Friday, December 14, 2012

Ten Commandments for Horses

Hello Cowboys and Cowgirls!  Been a while since I posted, but had to share the 10 Commandments for Horses.  As I read through the list I thought not only should this apply to horses, but any companion animals. The strongest statement I find to be is number 7. "Remember before you hit me that I am powerful enough to hurt you, but choose not to"!     That my friend is true love of a horse!  How could anyone mistreat them I will never know and never understand. When you look into the eyes of a horse, you will see their soul. They will show it only to few chosen ones that they are devoted to. You will know it when you see it.  We must realize that we must earn the trust of a horse, once that trust is earned it is a deep bond. They have so much love to give, but they must receive it also!  
Be Blessed & Cowgirl Up!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Everybody has something they are dealing with. Life is hard, the journey can be tough with many bumps in the road, but remember we can chose to become a victim or a victor of our life circumstances. God did not promise the road would be easy but He did promise we would never walk alone! Cowgirl Up!